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Our customers often bring in their own files, logos, and images with the expectation that they can easily be used on their signs, however, that is not always the case.  Certain file types can be edited in design programs and/or blown up to large sizes without pixelating, while others can not.  The best types of images to use for the work that we do are called vector images.  They are often .pdf or .eps files. Please note that not all .pdf or .eps files are vector images, it depends on how they were created.  Images designed using programs such as Adobe Illustrator or Corel Draw are vector images, provided they are saved as such. We can blow vector images up as large as necessary without losing any quality.  We can also edit the images to add or remove elements or change colors.  Often JPGs, PNGs, TIFFs, and other file types are not created in a way that allows them to be blown up to large sizes. These types of files are known as raster images.  The difference between raster images and vector images is that raster images are made up of pixels, while vector images are made up of paths and lines.  Some raster images are high enough quality to be used on larger items.  We tell customers that raster images must be at least 150 dpi (dots per inch) at size (the size of the image on the finished product) to allow them to look nice in a large printed format.  If a customer does not have the image or design in a file type or size that will work for the product they want, we can often recreate the image for an additional fee.  Typical recreation pricing ranges from $35-$50, depending on the design, and adds at least an additional day, if not more, to our production time.  

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